Egg Yellow

Egg Yellow

Ozias Egg yellow food colors are specially made to decorate your creations with vibrant tint.

We produce egg yellow color By simply mixing in this food color, you can transform your icing, fondant, cakes, and bakery products with bright colors of egg yellow shade.The powder-based egg yellow food color blends easily without changing the taste, texture, or scent. You can use it commonly in-home cooking to enhance the texture appearance of a dish. With Ozias Egg Yellow Food Color, you can give the dish a wonderful yellow hue.

Product Description

Variety Egg Yellow
Brand Ozias / Private Label
Best before 24 Month
Form Powder
Packaging 10gm, 25gm, 100gm, 400gm, 500gm, 1kg
This is a Vegetarian Product

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