Natural Honey

  • Ozias is one of the prominent honey makers that offers varieties of Honey with the twist of Flavours. We extract raw Honey, which is 100% pure, natural, unpasteurized and unprocessed. Natural Honey is not heated or processed, which offers the maximum benefits in weight management, skin nourishment and immunity-boosting. It is purely blended for perfect colour, texture, aroma, and taste. Raw Honey contains bee pollen and antioxidants that come directly from honeycomb. Natural Honey do not get pasteurized as it diminishes many of the beneficial elements. Raw Honey appears cloudy or opaque because it contains specific components that can offer health benefits. After being sourced, natural Honey is tested on various parameters, including adulteration

  • Ozias provides Honey that has many health benefits. Honey is the best food used for burning body fat. For best results, natural Honey is consumed with warm water early morning, which helps to cure metabolism and losing weight. Apart from this, natural Honey has much more significance, such as
    • Antibacterial and antioxidant
    • Memory Boosting
    • Wound-healing
    • Natural Energy Booster

  • Natural Honey boosts the taste of cookies and cakes, which are favourite among children. OZIAS is offering pure natural honey in 4 varieties of 250 gm & 500 gm Glass jar