Strawberry Jam

Strawberry Jam

Extracted from real fruit

Indulge in a real taste of strawberries in our strawberry jam made up of high-quality fresh selected strawberries. Strawberries are sweet and sour, which and your kids should not give a miss and enjoy the luscious strawberries flavor to the core! You can have it simply by breakfast or by putting on ice cream, roll it up on chapatti, or spread over bread. Strawberries are sweet and sour; thus, they are enriched in vitamins and minerals, Enjoy the natural taste of strawberries every day in your breakfast. It is completely packed with antioxidants, fibers which is good for your and your family's health.

Product Description

Variety Strawberry Fruit Jam
Grade Sweettened
Brand Ozias / Private Label
Ingredient Strawberry Fruit
370 gm Glass Jar
450 gm Glass Jar
5 kg Pet Jar
This is a Vegetarian Product


Sugaring is an Ancient method of food preserving

When sugar is added to foods it binds to the water in the foods reducing the amount of water which inhibits the growth of Microorganism.

To produce jams and jelly, fruits are initially boiled to reduce the water content of fruit and add sugar to reduce contaminating microorganisms.

Uses of Mix Fruit Jam

use the jam as a glaze for pork or chicken. It can easily bea added to BBQ Sauce

Liven up any boaring Original Cheesecake with a dollop of jam on the top of cheesecake.

spread it between cake layers

It Pour over icecream for and extra treat

Stir into Cottage cheese

serve a blob of jam in a bowl of oatmeal for a comforing snack.

swirl in some strawberry jam to rice pudding

buy plain yogurt and add jam for flavouring accoridng your taste

cover a wheel of brie cheese with jam, wrap in puff pastry and bake

stir jam into icing for a different and yummy cake topping

make jam filled butter cookies

mix jam into pancake batter.

all you have to do is fill individual pastry tratlet cases with jam

make a batch of surprise muffins - half fill the muffin cups,put in a dob of jam and then cover the jam with more muffin mix.

for a flavourful protein shake, blend jam, milk and protein powder.

mix with oil, vinegar and spices for a sweet salad dressing

use jam instead of sugar for making chewy and fruity cookies

make queen of puddings, which uses up leftover bread with jam and eggs.

Ready To Get Started?

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